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Career Coaching Dublin

Career Coaching Dublin

Another site recently created by the team and lead by WordPress expert Niall Flynn was the Career Coaching Dublin site for Martin Moore. Martin got in touch with us when he needed to get his website overhauled and optimised for his niche of career coaching Dublin – bread and butter stuff for Niall.

Martin followed our tried and tested WordPress design process and chose his WordPress theme for his new site. Once he handed over all the required content we got to work creating his new site. When the design gears had finished turning what had been created was white, bright and welcoming – perfect for the subject matter and mindset the site, and Martin, is trying to create. His site is designed to make it easy for people to get in touch with him with “ask me a question” and “get in touch” buttons positioned neatly on all pages. It’s always nice to see a site that is both focused on function and generating leads whilst at the same time clearly reflecting the values of the business via aesthetic.

We’ve all heard and seen people getting bogged down in jobs that they’re not happy with – it’s something I’m probably guilty of as well – and there is nothing worse than getting caught in a slump. That’s when Martin and the his career coaching Dublin site can help. Martin has the experience to help people get their careers back on track. Martin provides career coaching, can solve workplace problems,  provides training and personal development and can help create policy documents for businesses.

On top of all that, for those of  you who peruse his site, you’ll be treated to some of his thought provoking blog posts. Martin has started to build a nice archive of blog posts about his career coaching Dublin niche which will provide him with some nice organic search traffic and give visitors to his site something to mull over and reflect on…and maybe even prompt them to ask him a question (he’ll answer within 24 hours you know, try it!)

Career Coaching Dublin

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