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The Unprecedented Power of Blogging!

The Unprecendented Power of Blogging - WordPress Developer

You ready for a bit of a Friday good news story? This has me grinning from ear to ear and hammers home the fact that with some time, effort and persistent blogging good, nay, great things can come your way. A few months back I started working on a few special projects with some people who I thought were just a little bit special and given the right platform could make something out of their penchant for penmanship. And, I wasn’t too wrong.

The two sites I started working with are UK based indie music zine called led by Jamie Coughlan and Dublin fashion and celebrity pop culture blog,, spearheaded by the inimitable Carolyn Moore. This post is more about the Dress Down but a longer post about Overblown is coming soon.

So, what is the unprecedented power of blogging I hear you ask.

The Unprecedented Power of Blogging!

Well, it’s this magazine cover for LIKE and the editor who put together their debut issue, a certain Carolyn Moore! From her blogging efforts Carolyn got what she calls “the dream job” of putting together a magazine, one of the the largest fashion and lifestyle magazines in Cork (and Ireland), and being able to work full time doing what she loves. For me who has been helping out a little along the way, well, I’m not that surprised.

If you read some of Carolyn’s blog you’ll see she has got a phenomenal writing style, laced with humour and clever wit as well as a keen eye for fashion detail. Those who know me know that fashion and celebrity really isn’t my thing but I still find myself reading The Dress Down now and again. How could you not love Putting Two “Ks” in “Takky”… It’s The Kim & Kanye Wedding Extravaganza for example? Many a proper LOL to be had.

And, it’s from those LOLs and overall quality of writing that people started to share her content. Her posts have even be shared by the likes of – arguably one of the largest fashion/gossip/celebrity blogs on the web (or so I’m reliably informed) amongst others which led to more people finding out about Carolyn.

Then, when LIKE magazine needed an editor and people started asking around for suggestions for an editor whose name was in the mix? That’s right, a certain blogger at The Dress Down. Her hundred plus posts served as her resume and in quick time a deal was done to get her on board as the editor. Today is the day the first edition of the new magazine comes out and the start of a new chapter in Carolyn’s life. Like I said at the outset, I’m chuffed.

For a long time I’ve been beating the drum about the power of blogging, if you have the chops and give some time to it you can use blogging to etch out your own path, to do things your own way and to have the type of job or career you want. The era of the expert is upon us and expertise and elbow grease is all that is really required to succeed.

That and a nifty WordPress site and domain name of course ;)

Anyway, stay tuned as I’ve had an idea for a while now of trying to find other special talents like Carolyn & Jamie that I can work with. Come the new year I might be looking for a few more candidates so join my mailing list below so you don’t miss out on that.

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