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WordPress App for Android – Holiday Review & Experiment

WordPress App for Android - No Camping
WordPress App for Android - Screen Shot

WordPress App for Android – Screen Shot

I downloaded the WordPress app for Android a few months ago to allow me to quickly draft and save fragments of content creation ideas whilst on the go. Now that I’m in the paradise like Formentera, one of the Balearic Islands which is sun kissed and caressed by the warm Mediterranean Sea on all sides, I figured I’d use the WordPress app for Android to do a full blog post and give you a review of the WordPress app.

As the screenshot shows the screen for new blog posts is simple and intuitive. The ability to be able to save blog posts locally is a nice feature of the WordPress app for Android as even though there is an abundance of sun on the island, wifi is lacking – I can live with that tradeoff though.

With regards to photos and functionality though eventually things have to get serious and to a degree it becomes a game of hit and hope with the app.

Don’t get me wrong, on the surface the WordPress app for Android seems to deliver but, for hardcore SEO nerds like me, a club with which I willingly pledge allegiance to, it lets me down.

The WordPress app for Android doesn’t make it easy to link stuff up. Maybe I’m asking for too much but if you’re operating in a wifi free zone with no access to the web then internal or external linking is nigh on impossible unless you have rainman like abilities to remember URLs (which is sadly one ability I’m lacking).

WordPress App for Android

On top of that, the Yoast plugin for SEO, which is almost akin to my SEO blogging Bible (not that I’m blinded by the green lights – be aware of false positive readers) is  unavailable. I’m also not one for vanity or being obsessed with a perfect layout but the WordPress App for Android doesn’t make a preview of your post possible and so I’m hoping for the best layout wise when I finally publish this post.

In conclusion the WordPress app for Android is not where it needs to be yet to allow SEO proofed posts from a beach. It does tick a lot of boxes though and is ideal for drafting posts to be published later online and I love the ability to store locally for breadcrumbing blog post ideas on the fly.

WordPress App for Android – Formentera Sunset

Photo wise I’ve had to download Aviary and PhotoResizer to try get my holiday snaps in to shape. Whilst those apps offer the required functionality I still find myself missing the full Web based WordPress experience. And so, I have to give the WordPress app for Android a 6 out of ten.

Once this post has been posted via the WordPress app for Android in the paradise like Formentera I’ll edit it to include useful links and what not. If I could do that via the WordPress app for Android then the 6/10 would have been a bit higher.

What about you? Have you used the WordPress app for Android to blog whilst on holiday as well? How did you did it? Any other WordPress app for Android that has more functionality? Comment below and let be know – I’ll look forward to reviewing them on a future holiday ;-)

EDIT: When I returned home from holiday and saw the way the WordPress App for Android had posted this post I then had to strip out all the photos and start again. The WordPress app for Android has its uses but I don’t think full blog posting is one of them.

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