WordPress E-Commerce Site – Style Snatcher
StyleSnatcher are a UK based fashion powerhouse who source the best of what the web has to offer and then bring it together in one online shopping hub and portal that is StyleSnatcherShop.com. This is a full e-commerce WordPress site which has been very successful since launching. This was another team effort with graphic designer Elena Montes enlisted to design the logo.
The site itself is the centre of the online world of Anita, the head Style Snatcher. She is passionate about fashion and her passion is given space to roam on her blog. As I’ve said time and time again blog posts are key for the long term success of any site.
As Anita gets such a global audience of visitors one extra feature that this e-commerce site needed was the ability to dynamically display the price in different currencies. The base currency is set to use GBP£ but you’ll see the prices listed in the currency of the country that you’re browsing from which is kind of nice.
As this site continues to grow it’s SEO will continue to improve but even though it’s early days the site is already getting traffic, and, more importantly sales. You can view my post about the e-commerce site launch here and view the site at the link below.
- StyleSnatcherShop.com

WordPress E-Commerce Web Design Project – StyleSnatcherShop.com