R & R Musical Society – WordPress Site Launch
Posted on November 5, 2013
Another week has rolled around and with it the launch of another WordPress site. The Rathmines and Rathgar Musical Society are celebrating their centenary this year and so they wanted to give their site a bit of an overhaul and to add in some new functionality to mark 100 years of theatrical performances.
In essence the needs for the site were simple enough – promote upcoming shows and be the online hub for info about the R & R Musical society. The site achieves the main goal by prominently promoting the next performance that the R & R have coming up by having a countdown time displayed in the top right. Potential thespians can then click on the link there to find out more info about the upcoming show and purchase tickets.
R & R Musical Society – WordPress Site Launch

R & R Musical Society WordPress Site Launch – Timeline
All of the show programmes are hosted on Issuu.com as to host locally would slow the site down way too much. Then, via a complex system of pulleys and levers, all of the pdfs are accessible via a really nice time line feature. All of the programmes are separated by decade to make it easier to quickly locate a year. If you’d like to see the show programmes from 1913-1919 please be my guest!
Traffic and SEO wise this site will do fine. The R & R Musical Society are very well established (did you hear they’ve been around for 100 years! ;)) and have lots of links to other big organisations (check out the video they did with RTE below [RTE is the national television broadcaster here in Ireland for those of you from elsewhere]) so this site will be well trafficked – which is always nice.
More sites going live this week and I’ll put together a tutorial on how you can create your own PDF timelines in case any of you readers are interested!
How To Make A Dynamic Timeline on WordPress - WordPress Developer
November 23, 2013 (3:35 pm)
[…] you can make a dynamic timeline on WordPress. For a previous WordPress web design project for the Rathmines and Rathgar Musical Society I had to find a nice and tidy way to create a dynamic timeline on WordPress to archive 100 years of […]