WordPress Web Design – Action Point
Action Point got in touch with when they initially had some problems with their old site. A bespoke WordPress theme had some vulnerabilities which resulted in their old site getting hacked and the necessity to get a new site up and running quickly.
The brief for this WordPress web design project was to create a site which resembled the old site as much as possible but also had the benefits of being fully responsive. We selected the premium theme and then got the work fleshing out the site. As the Action Point site contains a lot of text pages there was a lot of data entry and page formatting done to try and make the text as visually appealing as possible. We followed the clients directions and added in the images on the internal pages to break up the text. The homepage provides a broad overview of the IT Services that Action Point provide.
Another requirement of the Action Point web design project was for the site to capture leads. To that end the Action Point site has an WordPress integrated MailChimp mailing list, site wide side bar “Request a Consultation” form and an additional form on the contact us page. The site also promotes Action Points social media presences and provides a login page for customer support.
All in all the site is a very nice, clean fully responsive WordPress website which clearly highlights the services Action Point offer. As the site is developed on the WordPress platform updating the site and completing simple edits should be of no problem to Action Point. You can read more about the Action Point WordPress Web Design project on my blog or click the link below to visit the site.

WordPress Web Design Project – Action Point IT Services Company